What do Kay Coles James, Ben Carson, Star Parker, Candace Owens, Ken Blackwell, Diamond and Silk, and Alveda King have in common?
They are bold, compassionate leaders who believe that every person is created equal by God himself. They understand that every human life has infinite value and limitless potential. They have suffered from some sort of discrimination — but are not bitter. Instead, they seek reconciliation, believe in redemption, and work to advance a more just society. They know that hard work, economic freedom, the preservation of the traditional family, and reducing government control are the keys to success.
And they are black Americans who support the policies of President Trump.
If you listen to their personal stories and read their excellent writings, you will understand why they believe that if black Americans — or Hispanic, Asian, white or any other Americans — are to have a better chance of achieving personal success, then Donald Trump must be reelected president.